Weight & Metabolism

Unlocking Your Metabolism: Understanding Body Composition & Metabolism with Gut philosophy

Unlocking Your Metabolism: Understanding Body Composition & Metabolism with Gut

Weight gain and inability to lose weight while adhering to a healthy diet and exercise regime is a common concern, particularly around or after 40 years of age. At Gut Philosophy, we are dedicated to providing you with the information and tools you need to optimize your body composition and metabolism. This informational page covers the foundations of weight gain and metabolism, common causes of weight gain, and ways to support your metabolism.

Understanding Body Composition & Metabolism

Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food into energy. A healthy metabolism is crucial not only for maintaining a healthy weight but also for the rest of the body functions from brain health and mood regulation to strong immunity, feeling energized, and motivated throughout the day. While genetics plays a role in metabolic function, its role is often overestimated. Environment and lifestyle choices, including diet, sleep, movement, exposure to chemicals, stress resilience, and others play a more significant role. Excess weight, particularly in the form of “visceral fat” stored around the internal organs, can dramatically increase risks of chronic conditions, such as insulin resistance and diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune conditions, infertility, neurodegenerative diseases, and certain cancers.

Common Root Causes of Weight Gain or Inability to Lose Weight

Following a healthy diet and exercise routine without losing excess weight may indicate biochemical causes that should be investigated. Common issues include:

  • Low thyroid function (hypothyroidism): Affects how the body uses glucose and fatty acids for energy, impacting metabolic rate and thermogenesis.
  • Blood sugar dysregulation: Causes metabolic inflexibility, difficulty shifting weight, and symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and mood swings. Conditions like insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and PCOS are related.
  • Perimenopause and post-menopause: Changes in sex hormones, especially estrogen, may cause weight gain, particularly around the abdomen.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: Impact cellular energy production and metabolic function, leading to weight gain.
  • Chronic stress or poor stress resilience: Contributes to blood sugar dysregulation, insulin resistance, fatty liver, and dangerous abdominal fat.
  • Increased exposure to toxicants and suboptimal detoxification: Prevents fat burning and contributes to the growth of fat cells. Alcohol also contributes through various mechanisms.
  • Dysregulated nervous system: Disrupts the balance between energy intake and expenditure, appetite regulation, and metabolic function.
  • Poor sleep & disrupted circadian rhythms: Affects key hormones involved in appetite and metabolism regulation, causing cravings, increased fat storage, and higher appetite.

Key Tips for Improving Metabolism

  • Eat a nutrient-dense diet: Focus on whole foods and limit processed foods, sugar, and alcohol.
  • Avoid excessive snacking: Support metabolic function and blood sugar regulation by spacing meals.
  • Follow circadian eating patterns: Consume main meals during the day and avoid heavy, late-night meals.
  • Address sleep quality: Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep to support metabolic function.
  • Exercise regularly: Incorporate cardio and weights training to boost energy levels and metabolism.
  • Develop stress resilience: Engage in activities like meditation, yoga, and walks in nature.
  • Reduce exposure to environmental toxins: Identify sources of toxic chemicals and limit exposure.

How Gut Philosophy Can Help

We take an integrative approach to body composition optimization and metabolic dysregulation, starting with an in-depth assessment of your medical history, lab results, diet, sleep, stress levels, exercise, and environmental chemical exposure. Following your Initial Health Assessment, we provide a personalized Health Optimisation Programme, including dietary and lifestyle interventions, personalized supplementation, referrals to specialists if needed, and recommendations for further testing and therapies.

Functional and genetic testing can be tools in understanding metabolic function, starting with a comprehensive blood and urine test. You can read more about Functional Blood Test here.

For questions about our approach or testing options, schedule a complimentary discovery call.

Top Questions About Weight & Metabolism, Answered by Gut Philosophy


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